Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to talk about anything! Want to find someone to ride with? Get help on mending things? Organise lifts?

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by Dr Dave Sat May 06, 2017 6:26 pm
Just a suggestion in the spirit of enhancing a volunteering ethos throughout the club. If some of the racing members interacted more with their fellow club members - eg at the monthly social evening or the occasional social rides - this might encourage more members to help out at racing events?? A cohesive and inclusive club is surely a healthy club :D
Last edited by Dr Dave on Sat May 06, 2017 7:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Keep pedalling!
by PhilBixby Fri May 12, 2017 1:42 pm
Bumping this up the listings again - thanks to the wonderful Julia C I now only need three more people to make the morning vets race work. C'mon folks - we have seventy-year-olds wanting to get out there and hammer each other on one of their favourite circuits, and that just requires you, yes you, to give up a few hours on Sunday 11th June, shake off the post-election hangover, and work with the traffic management crew to keep the roads safe. It'll be fun, I tell you :D
by RichardD Fri May 12, 2017 1:52 pm
I hope to race in the morning with the vets (entry on way Phil) and can help out in the afternoon BC race. Will not have a car but can help with anything else marshall/sign on etc .
by PhilBixby Sat May 13, 2017 12:30 pm
Yup, okay - in the morning vets race we've got:-

Ben Gibson
Billy Geraghty
Steve Savage
Craig Brown

Dave Cook
Julia Coats
Ian Hagyard
Peter Hook I need three more marshals for the morning race. As per previous postings, no membership of BC/LVRC or indeed Clifton required, and full instruction will be provided by the professional traffic management staff.

I'll let Cam update you on the afternoon situation...
by Cam B Sun May 14, 2017 3:33 pm
I think were getting there for the BC race:

Need 4 drivers and 7 marshalls plus help with signing and judging...

We have.........
4 Drivers:
John Savage
Billy Geraghty
Dave Cook
Tim Jackson

7 Marshalls:
Craig Brown
Martin Seaman
Andy Coates
Ian Hagyard
Richard Douthwaite (Thanks Richard :) )
Mark Finch
Paul Wilson (Thanks Paul :D )
Peter Hook (Peter gave his ride up in the BC race to Marshall...He is already helping out in the morning. Now that Paul has come fwd I'm going to say to Peter he can ride if he wishes to)

Some help with signing and judging would be great
by PhilBixby Fri May 19, 2017 10:51 am
Just bumping this up (though I hesitate to bump it above the Alps trip participant plea - come on people! Go on holiday! But if you can't....) since we're now only three weeks from the event and I'm still short of three helpers for the morning road race. I've got seventy-odd entries and they're still pouring in, with riders between forty and seventy-five. I've booked the traditional perfect weather (blue skies with puffy clouds scurrying northwards, so the flat section of the circuit is torture, but all the marshals get a tan). I just need three more marshals. Please...
by PhilBixby Tue May 23, 2017 6:37 pm
...and bumping this up again since, thanks to the excellent Paul (who isn't actually even a Clifton member.....) I now only need two more marshals for the vets race. Entries are still rolling in and all sorts of very active old folk are grappling with the intricacies of the internet in order to get out there and race - we just need two more helpers to keep them safe while they do it!
by PhilBixby Fri Jun 02, 2017 12:32 pm
One more bump.... :)

The morning vets race now has volunteer marshals to work with the traffic management staff on each of the junctions - many thanks to all of you, and hopefully you'll enjoy your morning in the sunshine. I've employed two additional traffic management operatives for flag-waving at the two bridges.

I also have the necessary four drivers. However... of 'em has a broken collarbone and really shouldn't be driving, let alone driving the broomwagon at a cycle race. So, please can I ask if one of the marshals (Dave Cook, Julia Coats, Ian Hagyard, Paul Drabble or Peter Hook) would be happy to swap to driving (you just need a car - no membership of LVRC/BC required, and there will be money for petrol)? You get the thrill of a magnetic roof sign, and the magic ability to slow oncoming traffic with a withering stare.

Please can I also ask all the marshals and drivers to email me their mobile phone number so I can contact you in case of emergency and/or on the day? Email to vetsrace at cliftoncc dot org.

Lastly, Muzzy - please could you do likewise so I can give you a call!

Many thanks everyone, the old blokes (and one lass!) will be forever grateful.
Phil B
by IanH Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:56 pm
Ok I'll drive Phil now I've managed to get my car back off my wife, she's just bought one of her own now.

I'll email you my mobile.

Ian H.

Are we there yet
by Cam B Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:33 pm
Just a reminder.......Clifton BC race next Sunday at 13.30 from Sheriff Hutton Village Hall

Thanks to all who have offered to help...

I think all of you, bar perhaps Billy (?), have driven before so you know what to do. The Commissaire will give you race radios and tell you what to do. We’ll have three Motorbikes shepherding the riders to make it extra safe. Four key junctions are traffic managed. We will have people with red flags at Farlington bridge, Stillington bridge plus the left turn out of Stillington village. If all Drivers can catch up with me on the day I’ll give you £20 to go towards your costs:

Driver 1 – John S
Driver 2 – Billy G
Driver 3 – Dave C
Driver 4 – Tim J


Craig Brown – Thanks for coming out even with your “dicky shoulder”! Pair up with TM crew at that mini r’bout heading out of Sherriff Hutton
Martin Seaman - red flag at Farlington bridge
Andy Coates – red flag at Stillington bridge
Ian Hagyard – pair up with TM at left turn into Stillington
Richard Douthwaite – red flag at left turn out of Stillington
Mark Finch – pair up with TM at left turn onto Moxby Lane
Paul Wilson – pair up with TM at left turn onto Sheriff Hutton Rd near cricket club

For Marshalls with red flags suggest you stand other side of bridges (or junction in Richard’s case) and position your selves where you can see both oncoming traffic and riders approach (sorry for stating the obvious :D ) Wave flag if vehicles approach! :D . You have no power to stop traffic! It should be nice and safe with the Motorbikes anyway.

Thanks To Pete H and Paul D who will help me with signing on. Help judging at the finish would be appreciated if anyone can get there.

If everyone can come to HQ (The Village Hall in Sherriff Hutton) in good time before the event so you can sign in with me, Marshalls can get their bibs, red flags , etc and Divers can get their radios and briefing from the Commissaire.

Phil and I have given an absolute guarantee that it will be a lovely sunny day so it should be a belter!

07480 926418

PS. it would be useful if all volunteers could perhaps email me their mobile numbers?

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