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New Cafe in Pock

PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 2:19 pm
by Arthur
We've had an email from the Cafe at Kilnwick Percy Hall, who would like cyclists to visit them. One for the club run to try out?

Hello, I'm the manager of the new World Peace Cafe at Kilnwick Percy Hall just outside of Pocklington. I'm trying to spread the word, and I thought that members of your group may be interested in the cafe.

The Cafe is situated about 50 yards off the Wold's Way, which is a popular route for ramblers and cyclists. We are open Tue-Sun 10.30-4.30 and serve organic vegetarian food and drink- ie healthy! I know there's no other stop off point for some miles. We have lovely gardens and outdoor seating and plenty of room to safely leave bicycles.

I wonder if you'd be able to mention us to your members, if you think they may use the cafe. I can arrange a discount for parties if you think they'd like that.

Thank-you for your time

Kind regards

Nicola Williams
World Peace Cafe Manager
Madhyamaka Buddhist Centre
Kilnwick Percy Hall