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by Rob Thu May 10, 2007 10:09 am
I was told over the weekend that there's a new approved 25 mile Time Trial course from Tadcaster to Hopgrove and back..... with a 0730 start time. If this is true then the last man off will be at 0930 and they'll still be on the A64 at 1030. Absolutely incredible. This is the same organisation that BANNED the Bishop Wood circuit for time trialling beacause of all those 90° left handers.

Let's put aside for a minute the dangers of riding up and down the A64; what sort of image do they think they're giving of cycle racing to all those passing motorists. For most of the public this is the only domestic competitive cycling they'll ever see and they'll think we're all bl**dy irrisponsible; and will they ever encourage little Johny to join a club after seeing that?

All the work the Clifton do to portray cycling in a positive image is more than outwayed by this selfish bunch. It really hacks me off. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

by Arthur Thu May 10, 2007 10:46 am
Where's Hopgrove? That heading back to York?

by cath Thu May 10, 2007 11:11 am
Hopgrove is the big roundabout at the York end. I dont live far from it and it's a place of regular collison between cars/lorries coming from Malton and cars turning right from York to Leeds.
For riders approaching Hopgrove on the A64 - if its a nice day then by 9:30 there will be queuing traffic.
Its insane. Its even more insane that they're kicjing off so late - 6am would have been marginally more sensible.

by PhilBixby Thu May 10, 2007 11:33 am
So... in relation to Rob's original expression of feelings about this, do we just let it happen and ignore it, or do we attempt a bit of advance publicity about the SPOCOs (and the TdF event) and try to explicitly distance ourselves from it? Quite a few people are going to be watching these silly s*ds picking their way through the traffic queues on the aerobars...
by Willy H Thu May 10, 2007 12:46 pm
I thought that TT organisers had to produce robust risk assessments. I'd like to see the one for this 'sporting event'!

by Arthur Thu May 10, 2007 1:03 pm
Sorry Cath, but I still can't find the roundabout marked on a map so don't know which one it is. Is it up by New Earswick then?

The course goes up the A64 to the ring road, then does it keep going along the A64 or turn up the A1237? Not that either of these are good ideas, but I'm curious.

by cath Thu May 10, 2007 1:12 pm
Hopgrove is a double roundabout - the one used in the TT is on the A64, straight ahead for Malton, left for a second roundabout that joins the 1237 and Malton Rd. You see Hopgrove rndbt from the Stockton Lane flyover.

by cath Thu May 10, 2007 1:14 pm
I assume it stays on the A64 - turning at the first roundabout back down the dual carriageway towards Leeds. The queuing traffic tends to be both lanes going Malton/Scarboro direction.

by Rob Thu May 10, 2007 3:44 pm
PhilBixby wrote:So... in relation to Rob's original expression of feelings about this, do we just let it happen and ignore it, or do we attempt a bit of advance publicity about the SPOCOs (and the TdF event) and try to explicitly distance ourselves from it? Quite a few people are going to be watching these silly s*ds picking their way through the traffic queues on the aerobars...

Any suggestions how?
I've just been for a ride and calmed down a bit now. :wink:

by cath Thu May 10, 2007 5:08 pm
I agree we should publicise our events - but I dont think we should draw unnecessary attention to this event, and the divisions in our sport, before its even happened.

If all goes without incident and notice then hopefully it will be ignored and no letters to the Press etc. I think we should concentrate on promoting ourselves and our positive image to York.

If it doesn't get ignores or something happens then we need to be ready with what we are going to say!

by Rob Thu May 10, 2007 6:40 pm
cath wrote:I agree we should publicise our events - but I dont think we should draw unnecessary attention to this event, and the divisions in our sport, before its even happened.

If all goes without incident and notice then hopefully it will be ignored and no letters to the Press etc. I think we should concentrate on promoting ourselves and our positive image to York.

If it doesn't get ignores or something happens then we need to be ready with what we are going to say!

Cath is of course quite right. We could make oblique reference in any press release about the TdeF Prologue event "CCC do not promote events on busy dual carriageways..." but it would have little impact.

by PhilBixby Thu May 10, 2007 7:06 pm
Hmmm... ...I sort of agree. I'm certainly not out to pick a fight with CTT, nor stir up trouble for organisers of events like the Taddy/Hopgrove lunacy. But there IS an issue here about safety and how cycling is perceived. Some of my work in the past has been with Sustrans on Safe Routes to School projects, and I've sat through dozens of consultation events listening to parents describing cycling as the two-wheeled equivalent of swimming with sharks. If we're hoping to get new young riders into the club in future years - other than the sons / daughters / grandchildren of committed cyclists, then we need to find ways of spreading the message that cycling - including cycle sport - is an acceptably safe activity. This is made harder when those same parents' view of cycle sport is of some nutcase with his nose next to the front wheel skimming their wingmirror on the A64 when they're making their weekly visit to The Designer Outlet.

I don't know the answer to this, but maybe the best way would be to get some good coverage of the SPOCOs, emphasis on quiet roads and safety, a big welcome to all to have a go at the TDF event, link it all to Bradley W and our brave boys who bring glory to the nation. And hope that readers realise there are different approaches to our sport. Shall I chat up Steve Lewis?

by Rob Thu May 10, 2007 7:10 pm
PhilBixby wrote:I don't know the answer to this, but maybe the best way would be to get some good coverage of the SPOCOs, emphasis on quiet roads and safety, a big welcome to all to have a go at the TDF event, link it all to Bradley W and our brave boys who bring glory to the nation. And hope that readers realise there are different approaches to our sport. Shall I chat up Steve Lewis?

Yes. Maybe he could ride again?

by paulM Thu May 10, 2007 11:21 pm
Yes I think its true to say Open Time Trialling is a dying sport but lets hope nobody expires in the Team Swift event on 20th May. Its a BAR counter (for the women) so aswell as the usual 60% of vets riding so will the UKs fastest domestic womens testers. They won't care about losing 10 secs at the turn or passing numerous slip roads and exits which is where the real danger lies, but will take their chance on the fastest stretch of tarmac in the country - worth the risk in their tiny minds.
I don't want to berate the CTT too much - they are helping us out with our evening series at short notice and cover a wide variety of events. The thing is events like this on the A64 will get a full field but I bet the Team Swift hilly event at Pock the other week got nothing like that and required a good deal more resource?
The CTT risk assessments don't mean much - its just a document where you list the areas of potential hazard and say what you are going to do about them, so a warning sign on all the slip roads and approach roads fixes that. I reckon many people would probably view this as a safe course -out and back - it would only require marshalls at Hopgrove roundabout.
The Team Swift 25 mile event starts at 0700 so its difficult to say what the traffic would be like at 0930 at Hopgrove when the last riders gets there?
I may have to have a ride over this Sunday and have a look?
Rob if you want to do something write to Phil Heaton the CTT National Secretary. Phil wrote to the club (I have the letter) with the ides of the Come & Try TdeF prologue TT (more of this later). Lets face it this is a master stroke of an idea. You could ask him if he wants clubs like ours to drag riders into the sport with events like the come & try, does he see a contradiction with scattered in the wind & irresponsible clubs like Team Swift promoting events on the A64 when it would be a local club that would face the backlash if anything went wrong?

by Rob Fri May 11, 2007 7:26 am
Paul, I'll email him.
I promise to stay in adult mode.

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