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Weekend Roundup, 26th/27th

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:21 pm
by Rob
11 riders in The Square this morning for the Sunday Clubrun. Started in the rain, but it soon cleared into a day of blue skies, high winds and occasional wintery showers. The thaw was in full swing and there was water everywhere. Some pretty hefty puddles and often huge quantities of melt water pouring out of side roads and field entrances.

Out through Castle Howard. Helmesley felt like a very short ride when I was planning it, but in practice it was about right. All of us have been disrupted to some extent over the last few weeks and with a few new faces, 2 hours ride to the cafe was plenty.

Back Via Reivaulx, Scawton, WH Bank and Crayke. Reivaulx-Scawton was my favourite bit. Lots of lying snow still up there and it looked a postcard. Forgot how steep it was the Scawton though. WH Bank was like a river.

Back home by 2-30 as predicted in The Square. Mention in dispatches for new rider Joe who battled over the hills and never complained and Broomy who was pining for the A168 but managed to hold it together.

Its the Reliability next week. PM me what you think - shall we ride this together as a Sunday Clubrun, everybody do their own thing in the event, or shall we go off on a normal clubrun to Thorpe Perrow?