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by Rob Tue May 01, 2007 7:24 am
Hey, nice to be replying to one of these for a change!

Well done to all of you above. Another great result for Kit and a good team performance in the Team Swift TT. I don't understand the results though Arthur as there were 51 on the start sheet and only 25 finishers..... Maybe they all DNSed and rode 180k instead?

Thanks to Mark for looking out for everyone on the Sunday clubrun.

We were in the Lake District staying with some old friends in a cottage in Ambleside. They are certifiable triathlon/orienteering/fell running/nordic walking etc etc nutcases so we actually were able to get a fair bit of riding in over the weekend. And conditions were perfect, even the roads were quieter than expected. Warmed Kirkstone and Wrynose up for those of you riding FW later in the month...

by Arthur Tue May 01, 2007 8:50 am
Rob wrote:Team Swift TT. I don't understand the results though Arthur as there were 51 on the start sheet and only 25 finishers.....

There were only 38 on my start sheet, so that agrees with the results.

by Rob Tue May 01, 2007 9:43 am
Arthur wrote:
Rob wrote:Team Swift TT. I don't understand the results though Arthur as there were 51 on the start sheet and only 25 finishers.....

There were only 38 on my start sheet, so that agrees with the results.

My mistake, must have been dreaming.....

by BroomWagon Tue May 01, 2007 7:36 pm
Hope you got those climbs nice and warmed up Rob. Think I'm the only one that got an entry to the FW and I got that through a circuitous route. Strange, when about ten of us got an entry to the Etape Du Dales.

I was a little nervous about riding a 300, but having never ridden lakeland roads before I'm absolutely cacking it about riding the FW. Oh well, suppose I can always walk, although some say even that's difficult on Hardknott.

by Rob Wed May 02, 2007 7:33 am
BroomWagon wrote:I was a little nervous about riding a 300, but having never ridden lakeland roads before I'm absolutely cacking it about riding the FW. Oh well, suppose I can always walk, although some say even that's difficult on Hardknott.

Mortals like us need a bottom gear in the low 30s, and the trick with Hardnott is to recover on the middle, less severe, section.

We used to organise a jaunt around the Lakes passes once a year in the days before FW and we used basically the same route. A guy called Adrian Dean came along with a bottom gear of 42x21 and we all laughed heartily. But when we came to the big climbs he just romped up them. He was 8 stone after a heavy meal and was the best climber I have ever had the miss-fortune to try to follow up a hill!

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