Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by paulM Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:13 am
For anyone who fancies it, I'll be down the square at 0900 on Sunday to do four hours or so. So if you want a non-stop ride at about 18mph, I'll see you there. I'll apologise for the weather in advance.

I should also be out for the same on Sun 25th and Apr 8th due to there been little else on.

by Arthur Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:34 pm
Did you manage 18mph today then? I rode out to Braham into a howling gale at the grand speed of 14 mph. Then when it started sleeting on me, I decided that heading further into the bad weather was not a good idea!

by paulM Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:36 pm
Don't know but my legs ache & we were out for the full 4 hrs and did a bit extra on the way back into the wind for extra hard points!
Heading out on a training ride into the wind is a mistake. All it means is you struggle earlier and cut the ride short. But if you leave the hard work for the second half of the ride, well you just have to do it.
If you're in a group, riding back into the wind just means you shed riders on the way back rather than the way out or alternatively the strong riders will shelter the weaker riders coming back. Feel free to disagree?

by Rob Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:02 am

I'd agree with you Paul. On a training ride, at least. Headwind home, when you're warmed up and ready for it. If it's a real howler though I'd say you should avoid shedding anyone as the last thing you want is riders blown and alone with miles to ride home into a header - not very inspiring... Work together and keep talking.

On a sociable clubrun though, a tailwind home is always something to look forward to and it makes it easier for the less experienced to judge their effort.

Did anyone get any of those dust storms yesterday? My front teeth had a thick layer of mud stuck to them when I got home!!

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