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by Rob Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:16 am
OK Guys, the day of reckoning is nearly upon us. The long range weather forecast is for dry, still but cold conditions - potentially ideal.

So its "green for go" for this Sunday.

0730 grand depart from the Square (prompt) First half hour will need lights.
50 flat miles to Leyburn for first cafe (Post Horn) at ca. 1015.
Then 45 very hilly miles round the Pennines, recommended bottom gear in the mid 30s.
Should be back at the Post Horn at about 1500 for refuel.
On the road again for three hours of dark lanes back to York. Back about 1900?

Really looking forward to it.
Last edited by Rob on Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

by Rob Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:46 am
Some tips on preparation for this ride (without wishing to teach granny to suck eggs...):

To late now to improve underlying fitness so can only rest and get organised.
Spend some extra time fettling the bike.
Eat loads of carbohydrate on Saturday.
Think about what you are going to wear - its going to be a bit parky. Extra attention to toes, fingers and ears! Personally, I'm going to add a plaggy bag between two thin pairs of socks and risk the trench-foot. Plus overshoes of course.
On the day - big breakfast and start well hydrated.
Bring some snacks in the back pocket (plus biddons)
Bring a cape - December in the mountains can throw anything at you and even if it doesn't actually rain you may need it for warmth.

by Rob Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:09 am
Fantastic effort by the Tan Hill 5 yesterday - Howard, Paul, Ian K and Andy. It was very very cold, the wind chill coming off Tan Hill was something else! But the roads were largely free of ice and the country side was beautiful with a icing sugar dusting of frost.

Howard's previous longest ride was 120 miles and he added an extra 25 or so to that, pulling strongly on the front with Paul in the closing miles. Good stuff.

Commiserations to those of you that couldn't make it in the end through illness, work commitments and one spectacular rim blow out! There'll be plenty more rides.

Another adventure brought to you by Clifton CC....

Any of you got any stats from your various gizmos - actual mileage, total climb, calorie burn etc? And could you email me that photo at TH Howard?

by Dr Dave Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:45 am
Serious respect due to the 5 of you, well done.

Maybe next year??

by HowardD Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:14 pm
Thanks Dr. D and special thanks to Rob for leading/navigating with such aplomb.

I found the ride truly memorable and hope to recover in time to attempt it next year too!

Rob, I'll email the group photo to you this eve.

Stats from gizmos:

Dist: 145 miles, AvSp: 15.8mph, MHR 186 bpm, AHR 135bpm, energy expended: 8600 kcal

by paulM Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:29 pm
Another thoroughly enjoyable day out - winter conditions mean this has to be the ultimate challenge ride. The middle section was just so cold - but the views were as spectacular as ever. The memorable moment for me was passing a group of Richmond riders in Upper Swaledale at about one o'clock. They were heading East for home whist we were still heading west & out - it kind of puts things into perspective.
Special mention to Howard for taking the plunge with the Sunday crowd and being good company in some really foul conditions over the last few weeks.
Thanks also to Rob, Ian & Andy for helping the miles pass last Sunday.

by Andrew G Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:53 pm
Rob, many thanks for the memorable experience which came flooding back to me again today as I washed 145miles of accummulated grime off my bike.

High points for me 1) shivering on the top of Tan Hill as Howard directed the photo shoot; 2) the sense of deja vu as we returned to the same cafe in Leyburn after some leg stretching exercises through the dales!

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