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by craigdabrown Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:42 am
Milder but a bit grim, weather-wise, at the Square on Saturday, the rain just a bit heavier than the forecast had predicted. 9 riders (GrahamT, JohnB, JonG, IanW, NickM, Rich, James, Dr. Joe and myself) on the A-Ride to How Stean Gorge via Masham, Jordan Moss and Lofthouse.

Lots of surface water around, we avoided the Overton loop and stuck with the A19 to Shipton then the usual route through Tollerton to Helperby and onto Melmerby and Masham. Nick has just returned from a prolonged bout of flu and decided to have lunch at Masham and ride back from there.

The rest of us began the long ascent up and over the moors. As most on here will know, the reward for this effort is normally some spectacular views and scenery but on Saturday visibility was somewhat limited by the low cloud and fog. On the plus side, the persistent drizzle had stopped and there was absolutely no wind on the climb.

The cafe at How Stean Gorge has undergone a substantial makeover since the last time I visited, with a new extension jutting out over the gorge itself and featuring a number of glass floor panels which you can stand on and look directly down onto the drop below. As usual, the staff were very friendly and the food pretty good.

The rain had started again as we left the cafe for the return leg via Pateley Bridge and Brimham Rocks and with the climbs naturally splitting the group we agreed that James and Rich should push on for home rather than hanging around in the damp conditions. Dr. Joe and I ended up in between the two smaller groups and we lost contact with each other on the descent into Markington. I decided to get a few extra miles in and followed the Way of the Roses signs to Bishop Monkton and Boroughbridge before heading home via Lower Dunsforth, Great Ouseburn, Cattal and Tockwith.

An extra stretch along Holgate Road took the mileage to just over the 100 mile point on another epic ride in conditions that weren’t exactly perfect and where it would’ve been easy to stay at home. Some notable efforts from everyone involved - Nick, John and Rich weren’t feeling 100% health-wise, Ian and Joe haven’t managed as many winter miles as they would’ve liked, Graham rode most of day with a dodgy freewheel which meant he couldn’t select higher gears, Jon always rides 25 miles further than the rest of us and James just makes everything look so effortless - at least I think he would, if I could actually get close enough to see him. Thanks to everyone who turned out on Saturday with ClaireG leading the “K” Ride and Julia the “J” version.
by Steen Berg Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:22 pm
A number of us in the Sq Sunday morning. Rob Arvid AndyJ Ed Neil and Nick from Nottingham + self

Nick was doing a nice trick he had brought his wife up from Nottingham to York to visit her mum for Mother Day while he spent the day with us cycling to Langdale End .He soon got the name the Beast of Bolsover (2nd Claim) as he did some big turns on the front. Avid again had to be back for mid day so took a left turn after a couple of hours. Either that or he finds the company very dull. He's always welcome even for half a day.
Rob took us on a few extra bits of road to Snainton. I am sure I have been on most of them before but not in that order on this ride. Everyone was happy with the extra miles with milder conditions from recent weeks.
Held up with a puncture before West Lutton. Other than that we kept it together once we had tamed The Beast.
At the junction for Langdale End and Hackness a ride ending problem with Robs Crank /Spider was discovered.
So our leader headed right for Scarborough and the train. The rest of us turned left for Thornton le Dale and the cafe. Apart from me having to bin a mudguard the route home in the aftenoon was swift and issue free. Back in York for 4pm 154km. Apparently the afternoon train from Scarborough arrives in York at 3.30pm and has bike spaces.

Next Sunday the first of the Club Challenge rides more on that later

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