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by John B Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:53 am
Four of us set of on a warm damp morning with light rain, Graham, Ian, Mark and myself. The forecast was for rain all day but by the time we passed Ripley the rain had stopped so we decided to continue all the way to Bolton Abbey.
The café was really quite dew to the rain they had in the morning.
On the return leg the roads continued to dry and the sun made a guest appearance every now and again.
Considering the forecast it was a really good day out, with the four of keeping together and enjoying the great views around Bolton Abbey.
by Rob Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:13 pm
The Clifton RR, reported on the other thread, sounds like a success, the culmination of a long project...

And on a more modest level - did anyone see the last couple of stages of the Dauphine? Blimey!

Just me and Elbows Gardner for the Eskdale Eskapade. Jonny towed us out to Sligsby, but had to get backfor a lunch date.
Farndale, Blakey Bank, Botton, Castleton as planned. Felt quite easy up to there, but we were acutely aware that there was a reason for that. Down Eskdale through Lealholme, Glaisedale, Egton and Groemont, thence south up onto the moor into a wind that was significantly more than a "nagging" presence. Goathland, then onto the Roman Road to Snape. Coffee and cake then back via the traditional route.

Thanks to Andy for company, and patience. Hoping some more of the irregulars will be back this weekend. Normal clubrun planned, let me know if you have any requests...

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