Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by Dr Dave Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:04 pm
10 on the Inters ride on Saturday. Kev M, Kev W, Rich, Tony, Dave C, John B, Jon G, Craig and self left the square heading for Masham on a mild and clear morning. Tony drew the short straw and p*****d near Tollerton where coincidentally we were joined near by Ian. After a quick tube change we were soon on our way via Cundall towards Bedale. Tony took the direct approach to Masham, the remainder continued on to Bedale before turning South down to Masham and Johnny Baghdad's cafe.

After a convivial lunch an uneventful ride back through Ripon saw us back in town by 4.30 with 85 miles covered.

Thanks to all for the company :D

Keep pedalling!
by Rob Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:28 pm
We had the most benign conditions ever for the Sunday Xmas Dinner ride, causing a few wardrobe dilemas. Classic route of Dalby-Langdale End on the way out and Forge Valley - Sherburn on the way back. A couple of long puncture stops, but still back in York shortly after 5pm and spot on the money at 170km. 8 riders to share the work.... everyone's a winner.

Andy, Andrew, Steen, Jonny and I have bagged the first two of the trilogy, and are in prime spot for bragging rights after this Sunday's jaunt to Tan Hill. Nevertheless, all welcome - it's honestly not as hard, or as bonkers as it sounds:

0730 start
2 café strategy
Usually about 12 hours door to door.
Bring a reliable bike, with proper lights, spare tubes, decent waterproof, plenty of carbohydrate in your pocket and your climbing legs.
Quiet roads, stunning mountain scenery, good company.

It could be "your year"...... 8)
by Chrisp Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:41 am
Hi Rob, what's your distance/climbing plan for Sun18th ?. Also will I need mudguards?
by Rob Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:07 am
Three big hills - all have names, so read into that what you will. (Buttertubs, Tan Hill, Cote du Grinton Moor).
Mudguards preferred, but we would rather you "go commando" than miss the ride....

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