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by Tullio Thu May 03, 2007 10:01 am
We’re planning a weekend away on 14/15 July.

After a quick straw poll we’ve picked the Mabie/Dalbeattie area of the 7Stanes ( ) in Scotland, because it’s good riding and easily driveable from York.

The plan is to leave York Friday evening and drive to the digs, ride Saturday and Sunday then return to York for Sunday evening.

I’ve managed to find some accommodation in Mabie ( ) that some friends stayed in, which is cheap and cheerful, and you can ride from the door around Mabie. Dalbeattie is just a short drive away. However I haven’t checked availability yet.

I've already sent a mail to the regular MTBers but if there's anyone else interested let me know.

Both Forests have a range of routes from easy, fire trails, to very challenging singletrack so it’s suitable for all.

by Tullio Tue May 15, 2007 7:52 am
Last call for anyone else who fancies a weekend Mountain Biking in Scotland.

The details have changed slightly in that the accomodation is only available for the Saturday night. So the plan is to either stop at a Hostel on the way up on the Friday and then a short hop to Mabie Sat morning, or get up with the crows and drive up from York on Sat morning. Either way there'll be 2 full days biking in 2 of the best, purpose built, trail parks in Scotland.

I need to confirm final numbers on Friday so that's your deadline.

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